Welcome to my Tech blog.
My name is Oded Badt - I've been, among others, developing software since the 1990's, and as a profession since 99.
I state it not in order to showoff my experience, but more so to say I am a proud member of those that got to develop in the 90s and early 00's (I know, there those that developed in the 80s, 70s, 60s, etc... but hey - thats all I have to offer).
I also hold an Msc in Pure Math (Geometry) which I will probably here and there talk about.
This is where I will write my point of view on tech issues I stumble upon, such as System architecture, Data Analysis, Reactive UI development, Graphics development and the likes.
I also maintain a blog in Hebrew were I publish my philosophical ideas, political views and life choices
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